The Darkness II [ PC ]


Gamers will go dark again in the form of two heads that resemble the terrible demon snake. He will come through the game The Darkness II, which have long awaited.

Yes, before eventually gamers will be able to fully enjoy this game, gamers can try the demo that was release on January 25, 2012 and the PlayStation 3.
Team of developers who previously developed the first series of The Darkness, Starbreeze Studios is now been changed to Digital Extremes. They were able to give different colors on a sequel to this game The Darkness II.

In addition to the replacement of the voice of the protagonist Jackie Estacado, from Kirk Acevedo to Brian Bloom, The Darkness II also has a new graphical display concept which uses cell-shading technique to further emphasize the element of comic or cartoon in it.

As to whether the picture of the story's protagonist is shaded by the forces of darkness? Prepare your guts to read a full preview of this darkness.

The Darkness II follows a similar combat template as the first game with the introduction of new features, such as a tactic dubbed "quad wielding," a technique which allows the protagonist Jackie Estacado to use both The Darkness and firearms simultaneously. There is a greater emphasis on the aspect of Darklings, with there now being only one primary Darkling who holds greater importance and is more involved in the storyline and who is useful in all situations; able to go to and lead Jackie to certain waypoints and show him important items during boss fights, and allow Jackie to use him to go into hard-to-reach areas and kill enemies at a distance, while looking through the Darkling's eyes. The Darkling is able to interact with the environment by using items such as a worker drills to attack and torture Jackie's enemies and he can also use standard weaponry such as pistols to attack or threaten them. Jackie can use the environment to his advantage, by using car doors as shields and parking meters to kill enemies. Unlike in the first game, Jackie can use both his weaponry and The Darkness in public places. The Darkness only disappears while in the light or for story purposes.
Screen Shoot!!!




System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: 2.4 GHz Quad Core processor
Memory: 2GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 10GB
Video Card: 512+ MB NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX
Sound: DirectX Compatible
Additional: Requires installation of Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable, DirectX and nVidia PhysX version 9.11.1107

Type: Lossless
Language: English
Crack: SKiDROW (inc. Gore Patch)
Size: 5.11 GB

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